
Here are some of the realities and challenges we face

Approximately 25% of all adults (ages 18-65) in New Mexico make less than the federal poverty level of $20,000 per year, and nearly 1 in 4 adults in New Mexico (ages 18-65) did not complete high school or equivalency.

These New Mexicans are twice as likely to have poorer overall health status, live shorter lives, and have higher incidences of diabetes and substance abuse.

Pre-COVID-19 pandemic, 22.5% of all New Mexican adults (men and women across all regions) suffered from at least one diagnosed mental health disorder. New data shows these numbers are now much worse.

Across all demographics and regions in New Mexico, 30% of students grades 8-12 report they consume alcohol on a weekly basis.

Housing instability is also a major risk factor for students in 9-12 grade with markedly increased incidence of alcohol and drug use, as well as interpersonal violence.

More than 50% of girls and 30% of boys reported persistent feelings of sadness and hopelessness. Since 2020, there has been a 300% increase in suicidal ideation for all New Mexico students (ages 10-18).

Health is More Than Healthcare

While equitable access to quality healthcare is crucial, 80% of a person's health is influenced by factors beyond healthcare - known as social determinants of health.

Among these determinants are socioeconomic indicators such as educational attainment and employment security, behavioral elements like addiction, and environmental factors such as access to affordable housing. At Anchorum Health Foundation, we are focused on systemic change that will alter these social determinants that affect the health outcomes of our people and communities.

Uniting Communities with Real Solutions

Anchorum is dedicated to improving the conditions influencing people’s health throughout New Mexico—and it is why we plan to invest our resources in three strategic areas: prevention, access, and opportunities.


We seek ways to address prevention of:

  • Addiction
  • Disease
  • Unhoused
  • Suicidal Ideation/Suicide


We strive to increase equitable access to: 

  • Primary Care
  • Specialty Care
  • Behavioral Health
  • Healthy Aging


We invest in opportunities for: 

  • Promoting Healthy Behaviors
  • Expanding Affordable Housing
  • Improving Educational Attainment
  • Increasing Workforce Learning

Reimagining Recovery

CHRISTUS St. Vincent was surging with drug overdoses and it quickly became evident that a hospital is an inadequate setting for detoxification and recovery. Collaborating with our partners at the hospital and Santa Fe Recovery, we revamped Santa Fe Recovery from a purely social detox model to include a residential facility. The new Santa Fe Recovery now houses up to 30 individuals for extended stays, ensuring comprehensive support as they embark on their path to lasting sobriety.

The seamless hand-off from CHRISTUS’s Emergency Room to Santa Fe Recovery provides 24/7 access to care for patients and families in crisis. In addition to our innovative thought leadership, Anchorum awarded multi-year grants totaling $500,000 to Santa Fe Recovery. These funds were instrumental to transforming its nonprofit business model, empowering it to emerge as a comprehensive center serving both social and medical needs in our region.


in reward funds has been issued to participating employees