WE'VE MOVED: We are officially at our new campus at 309 Read St, Santa Fe, NM 87501.
Request a Sponsorship
Anchorum Health Foundation is dedicated to improving the conditions that have the greatest influence on the health of communities and people in our region.
About Our Sponsorships:
Anchorum Health Foundation provides sponsorships to organizations addressing the social determinants of health in New Mexico. A sponsorship is typically a one-time event or activity in the community (i.e. fundraisers, meetings/conferences, etc.) and typically ranges between $500 and $5,000. Sponsorships are not grants, which fund on-going, long-term initiatives, programs, or projects that will specifically impact and improve one or more health outcomes. For grant opportunities, please follow our social media and bookmark our website for updates.
We prioritize sponsorship requests that meet the following criteria:
- Organizations must be a registered 501c3 organization or a Federal or State-recognized Tribe, Pueblo or Nation.
- Organizations should be in alignment with the strategy and mission of Anchorum.
- Sponsorship should not automatically commit Anchorum to a table at an event. Attendance will be agreed upon after awarding of sponsorship.
- Preference for organizations serving New Mexico’s Tribal communities and Pueblos and Anchorum’s 13 county service area, followed by 4 surrounding ancillary counties , and then state-wide.
- Sponsorships are primarily not intended for existing grantees however they may be considered.
Timeline for sponsorship review & approval:
Applications for sponsorships are accepted on a rolling basis based on availability of funding. It is highly recommended that your organization submit a sponsorship application at least 60 days in advance of the event. Please note that this is a very competitive process which receives many requests. As a result, we are not able to fund every request.