WE'VE MOVED: We are officially at our new campus at 309 Read St, Santa Fe, NM 87501.
Our Mission
Anchorum Health Foundation is dedicated to improving the conditions that have the greatest influence on the health of communities and people in our region.
We are committing our resources to strengthening community-based partners tackling critical local issues.

Our Story
From Healthcare Partner to Community Partner
We began as Anchorum St. Vincent, a 50% partner in CHRISTUS St. Vincent Regional Medical Center (CSV) in Santa Fe. Over 15 years, we helped transform CSV into New Mexico’s highest rated and safest hospital.
Despite this achievement, health outcomes in northern New Mexico are worsening. While quality healthcare is crucial, numerous other factors are impacting our health and well-being.
These Social Impediments to Health are the systemic, social, economic, environmental, and behavioral factors that are contributing to diminished health outcomes and shorter life expectancy in our region.
In response, we are shifting from a healthcare partnership to a community partnership, aiming to improve the social conditions affecting the health of northern New Mexico’s people and communities. Anchorum Health Foundation is dedicated to improving the conditions that have the greatest influence on the health of communities and people in our region.We are committing our resources to strengthening community-based partners tackling critical local issues.

Health is More Than Healthcare
While equitable access to quality healthcare is crucial, 80% of a person’s health is influenced by factors beyond healthcare – known as social determinants of health.
Among these determinants are socioeconomic indicators such as educational attainment and employment security, behavioral elements like addiction, and environmental factors such as access to affordable housing. At Anchorum Health Foundation, we are focused on systemic change that will alter these social determinants that affect the health outcomes of our people and communities.
Our Region of Service